Park-erprobt aber nicht darauf reduziert verbindet der ID 7.1 Lara zeitloses Design mit einer besonders anschmiegsamen Passform, die sich ohne großen Kraftaufwand individuell einstellen lässt. Die perfekte Symbiose aus Komfort und Performance.
POWERSTRAP - This strap provides extra support for your shin to enhance response.
POWER HANDLE - Especially convenient and easy to operate, the Girl Power handle is the perfect complement to the lacing system on our women‘s boots.
L2 - Two clasps and two handles—a pull on each handle secures your foot to powerfully and precisely transfer energy to your board.
TPS SHIELD - Available as an accessory, the TPS Shield strengthens the boot’s tongue, providing a stiffer flex and additional support.
PRO FLEX - Designed for freestylers who demand premium performance, this construction creates a defined flex zone in the boot’s joint area. This eliminates bulging and maximizes support, creating the perfect blend of flex and stability.
BACKBONE - This reinforced panel cradles the back of the boot to maximize durability and enhance response.
SLYTECH - Slytech inside – select models
SKATE FLEX - This freestyle sole offers enhanced board feel.